Electrochemical Energy Materials Laboratory (EEML) aims to tackle energy and environmental issues by effectively utilizing electrochemistry and inorganic nanocrystals. One of fascinating feature of colloidal nanocrystals is fine-tuning of optical and electrical properties from the control of size, shape, doping, and crystal phase. Starting from these materials, we maximize those properties by employing organic materials, surface chemistry, assembly, and processing. Dynamic response of assembled thin films under various stimuli (light, heat, electrochemical potential, etc) will guide the design rules for the devices. Through the aforementioned studies, our group aims to develop next-generation energy devices that can have a profound impact on human society.

1) Materials Design

As a basic component comprising the devices, material itself is the most important parameter to achieve high performance devices. Especially, we are interested in colloidal nanocrystals (metal oxide, halogen perovskite, etc) of absorption and emission properties in the visible and near-infrared range. Those properties can be enhanced when the nanocrystals are combined with organic materials (polymers and small molecules).

2) Processing

The properties of nanocrystal ensemble are different with that of single nanocrystal. Optical, physical, and electrochemical properties of nanocrystals are very different depending on their assembly and arrangement. For example, in the case of plasmonic metal oxide nanocrystals, optical and electrical properties of thin films vary depending on the orientation of nanocrystals due to the coexistence of shape and crystalline anisotropy. Therefore, we aim to control the processing by utilizing the surface chemistry, nanocrystal-polymer assembly, and various deposition techniques. These well-defined nanocrystal films and structures obtained therefrom make it possible to study the structure-property correlation.

3) Structure-property Relationship

Properties of nanocrystal ensemble are to be studied before the device application. Correlation between structure and electrochemical properties, electron and ion transport in thin films will be analyzed by studying the response of the assembled thin film and nanocrystal array under external stimuli (light, heat, electricity, and etc). This will lay the foundation for enhancing the performance of next-generation thin film devices.

4) Applications

Nanocrystals are useful for developing next-generation flexible optoelectronic and electrochemical devices. One of our main application field is developing high-performance next-generation electrochromic windows. We are also interested in other energy and environmental applications such as: 

-   Next-generation electrochromic windows

-   (Photo)electrocatalyst

-   LEDs and solar cells

-   Seperation membranes

-   Battery and supercapacitors